The Infinite One

Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.  You are the infinite One.  You have no beginning and no end.  You cannot be described in size, for you are everywhere and in everything.  You have always existed, even before time and space came into being.  You are the great I AM.  You are limitless in all your attributes.  Your love toward us, your children, is limitless.  We cannot fathom the height or depth or width or breadth of it.

Your grace is equally limitless.  Your favor toward us is without measure.  We are your precious children in whom you delight.  All of us.  There is not one of us that is not a recipient of your incredible unfathomable grace.  And there are many of us!   Throughout history there are countless recipients of our grace, just as many who live here on earth in this time and space experience your grace.  We cannot grasp the immenseness of your grace.

Your mercy knows no limits.  You do not treat us as our sins deserve.  At great cost to yourself.  You are so merciful that you sacrificed your only begotten son, the only one who completely and consistently obeyed you, for our sake.  He was your great delight, yet, for our sakes, you turned your back on him when he took on our sin.  He was punished in our place.  He took on the sin of the whole world.  This is how infinite your mercy is toward us who believe.  It was worth it to you to go through this pain in order that we might become your children.  How amazing you are!  You are like a woman going through the excruciating pain of childbirth, only to forget the pain when she holds her newborn child in her arms.  She is delighted with her new child.  In the same way, yet infinitely so, you are delighted in each one of us who is born into your family.

You are also infinitely perfect in all your ways.  You are completely free of fault or defect.  You are complete.  You need nothing to be added to or be taken from to be you.  You just ARE.

You are eternal.  You existed before anything came into being and you will exist forever.  Your being is infinite in terms of time and space.  You live outside of it, for you created it.  We cannot understand this, for we are finite, created by you.  You placed us in time and space in order that we might live our lives in a context that makes sense.  Yet you are not limited in any way by time and space.

Your power is limitless.  You can do anything at any time in any way you choose.  We see your power at work in the volcanoes and hurricanes and earthquakes that “plague” the earth.  We cannot resist any of them.  They are beyond us or our ability to contain them.  We see the relentless pounding of the surf by the waves of the sea.  Yet we are powerless to stop them, for they are from you.  We peer into the heavens and try to count the stars, some of which are larger than our sun, yet we cannot.  You created so many of them that we are at a loss to understand the number of them.  And the other celestial bodies that you created that we are only now discovering.  They span such a large space that we can only describe them in terms of the years it would take traveling at the speed of light to reach them.  Even this number of years is beyond our comprehension.  We cannot fathom those numbers.  And you created all of this by the power of your word!  You spoke them into existence.  They are constantly appearing and dying at the power of your word.  Yes, your power is infinite.  It is beyond our comprehension.

And these are but a fraction of the ways in which you are infinite.  You are sovereign over all things.  Whatever you set out to do does happen.  You are always in control of everything in all places.

We bow in humble adoration.  For you are infinite in all your ways.  Yet you desire to have a relationship with each one of us.  An intimate relationship.  The Creator and the created.  The infinite one and the finite ones.  This too, is beyond our comprehension.  Yet it is true, and we experience you by your Spirit whom you have placed within us.  We are so grateful.  Thank you!  Amen.

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