Words From My Father

One morning as I sat quietly before my Heavenly Father, I asked him to speak to my heart.  This is what I heard him say:

John, you are delightful to me.  You are my precious son in whom I am well pleased.  I see you as I intended you to be when I created you, perfect, holy, and full of my Spirit.  I see you this way because I see you through Jesus, in whom you believe, even though you have not seen him.  He is my beloved son, and I see you as I see him.  Nothing you can do or say will ever stop me from loving you and seeing you this way.  I gave up everything for you.  I willingly gave up my beloved and only begotten son for you.  That is how much you mean to me.  Really and truly, this is how special you are to me.  I am so pleased with how you trust me, and even when anxiety and doubt enter your mind, you fight it, and listen to my Spirit who speaks truth to your heart.  Rest in me always.  I will never let you down.  Live life with abandon, trusting me that I always have your back.  Love deeply and from your heart.  Listen to my Spirit and obey, for what I tell you to do is exactly what I intend for you and others.  Be generous with abandon.  Give like I give.  You cannot outgive me.  I will fill you up with whatever you have need of.  I will give to you always everything that you need.  You can live this life as the apostle Paul did, knowing how to live with little or with an abundance.  In all things you will still be my child and I will provide you with what you need.  Do not be discouraged about anything.  Bring everything that makes you anxious or afraid to me.  I will calm your fears and quell your anxiety by my Spirit who will bring you comfort.  Again, remember that you are mine.   You belong to me.  And I am good beyond measure.  My goodness is always directed toward you.  Everything that happens to you, I will turn for good for you – even those things that seem to be bad.  Yes, bad things will happen in this fallen world.  Unjust things will happen in this fallen world.  But be of good cheer, Jesus has overcome the world.  He is your friend and brother.  He constantly sits at my right hand interceding for you.  He loves you just as I love you – completely.  Remember, you belong to me.  You are mine.   No one can snatch you out of my hand.  You are safe and secure always.  Rest in me and live your life with abandon, sharing me with others, with all whom your life touches.  Go and live!

They could easily be words from him to you as well!

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