Confidence in Him

Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.  Father, the enemy has been trying to convince me that you are not good, that you will not provide for us.  I choose to believe you.  You promised to never leave us or forsake us.   You promised us a hope and a future that is good.  I don’t know how you will provide for us when it appears that my job may be ending in two weeks, but I believe that you will do so.  I choose to believe that you will provide.  You have always provided, and your word says that you will provide what we need.  It might not be all that we want, but you will provide what we need.  So, this day I choose you over the enemy.  I choose the truth over the lies.  I will trust you.  You are supremely good.  No one is good like you. So, I fight the good fight of faith, believing you in the face of what seems to be doom and gloom.  I will not go there today.  You are my God.  I/we belong to you.  Nothing can change that.  We are your sons and daughters who are precious to you.  Whatever path you choose for us will be good for us.  And often, you choose a path that is so wonderful that we cannot contain it.  So, I will not give up believing you on this day.  Today I will fight and win the battle for my thoughts.  I will trust you with my entire being.  Knowing that you are good beyond measure, no matter what happens.  Like the apostle Paul, I will learn to live with a little or much.  I will learn to live with either “good” or “bad” circumstances.  For you turn everything for our good, for those of us who believe you.  And I choose to believe you on this day.  You are my Rock, my Fortress.   You are my Shelter in the time of storm.  So, today I give myself and all I am to you as an act of faith, as a warrior of faith.   I will fight the lies of the enemy who tells me to be afraid.  I will fight my flesh that tells me to be very afraid.  I am in your good hands, and I know that no one can snatch me out of your hands.  Thank you for this faith you have given me, Father.  I know it is from you.  I have done everything I know to do and will continue to do so, but you are ultimately my provider and so I will trust you.  Thank you for this peace you have given me.  Thank you for this confidence you have given me.  It is not a fleeting feeling, but a confidence in you and your goodness.  I give you all praise and honor and glory due to your name.  I praise you ahead of time for how you are going to provide for us.  You are my God, and I will confidently trust you this day.  Amen.

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