A Fountain of Blessing

Father, you are the one who chose us to be your children, all who believe you.  From before the foundation of the world you knew us and chose us to be included in your family.  You chose me to be included in your family.  You knew me and chose me.  It was not anything I had done or any good in me.  You just chose me out of your mercy, grace, and love.  I did nothing to deserve any of this.  Somehow, while I was yet dead in my sin, you enabled me to believe you, and as with Abraham, you counted that as righteousness.  You were able to do this because before the foundation of the world, you prepared a plan to rescue me from my sin through the sacrifice of your only begotten son, Jesus.  Before the foundation of the world!  This was no passing thought or fancy.  You planned this.  You saw my need before I was even woven together in my mother’s womb.  You knew that I would need to be rescued by you.  Your standards were so high above those which I was able to attain, that you knew I could never reach them.  You demanded perfection, and I was anything but perfect.  So, you made a way for me to be perfect in your sight through the sacrifice, death and resurrection of your son, Jesus, the only one who was perfect.  He lived the life that I could not live – a perfect one.  He obeyed you perfectly.  You took great delight in him because he listened to you, believed you, and obeyed.  And now, through him, you take great delight in me because I chose to believe.  I do not understand this mystery.  How could I choose when I was dead in sin?  All I know is that I became desperate about my life and turned it over to you to do with as you please.  In that moment, something incredible happened.  I moved from death to life.  I believed you could do so, and you rewarded that belief with eternal life in Jesus.  O how fortunate I am to belong to you now!  How wondrous is this change you made in me and continue to work out in me as I continue to believe you!   I know your Spirit is alive in me, both from your written words and from the witness of your Spirit within me.  I know that I have passed from death to Life.  Take my life and use it for your glory, Father.  Take my life and do with it as you please.  Make me a servant to all whom my life touches, so that they can see you when they see me.  Strengthen me by your Spirit, so that I can serve even when it is hard to do so.  May I give my life to others for their good, for their well-being, just as you gave yours for my good and my well-being.  Fill me with your Spirit so that I can do everything you ask of me.  Fill me with your Spirit so that the joy you give me overflows to all those around me.  Make my life a fountain of blessing to all whom my life touches.  This is my prayer.  Amen.

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