Passing from Death to Life

Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.  We are your children, and you are our Heavenly Father.  No one can snatch us out of your good hands.  We belong to you.  You watch over us with constant care.  You desire only good things for us.  No matter what happens in this world, you will turn it for good for those who believe.  We believe you.  No matter what you say, it is the truth.  For you cannot lie.  You are a God of love and truth.  Complete love and truth.  This you showed to us through your only begotten son, Jesus Christ, whom you sent to save us from our sins.  He gave his life so that we might be free to live lives of love and truth.  He gave his life so that we might be like you.  Nothing in this world could be better than to be like you.  You are generous, loving, and a truth teller.  You sent Jesus to show us the truth about you and the truth about ourselves.  In him we saw that we desperately needed you.  We were completely dead in our sin and separated from you.  You desired that we be your children, so you sacrificed the only one who could save us, your son, Jesus.  In him, we have eternal life.  In him, we have passed from death to life.  In him, we see you.  In him, we are becoming like you and him.  Fully and completely human as you intended when you first created man.  Inhabited by your Spirit, full of grace and truth that comes from Jesus.   May our lives reflect his glory, your glory.  May the world see us and see you at work.  May our lives bless many people for your glory and their good.  May we be a blessing to all whom our lives touch, for your name’s sake, their good, and our joy.  Father, make me a blessing to all whom my life touches.  Fill me with your Spirit to overflowing, so that you spill out to all those around me.  Make our joy complete through my service to others.  May I love like you love, completely and unreservedly.  May I serve like you serve, with joy and abandon.  May I hope like you hope – that many will respond to you in me and want to believe and follow you.  This is my prayer.  Amen.

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