Forgiveness and Restoration

Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.  Your anger burns bright and hot and is completely righteous and holy.  My anger is most often not righteous.  My anger is often because I think I am being treated unfairly or unjustly.  Sometimes that may be true, but my anger often exaggerates the offense.  It is disproportional to the person who has offended me.  You call me to forgive these little things because I have been forgiven much.  You forgave my rebellion against you which was a far greater offense than anything that can, has, or will be done to me.  So, I choose to forgive.  I choose to love those who have treated me unfairly or unjustly.  I choose to do good for those who have wronged me.  In so doing, I become like you, the One who has forgiven all my trespasses.  I can only do this through the power of your Spirit living in me.  In my flesh, I have no power to do so.  My flesh wants only revenge and retribution.  Your Spirit wants love and forgiveness.  So, I choose to follow the leading of your Spirit in forgiving those who wrong me.  Even when it appears to me that someone has wronged me, even when they have not, I choose to give it to you and let you decide what is wrong or right.  I give up my rights in deference to your Spirit which is working so powerfully in me.  Thank you for your Spirit, Father.  He is my comfort and my guide into all truth.  Thank you for the power he gives me to forgive those who I think have wronged me.  Thank you for the power that he gives me to love everyone whom my life touches with the love with which you love me.  I can give love because you have given it to me.  You loved me from before the foundation of the world.  You saw me and knew me even before I was born.  You saw me as you wove me together in my mother’s womb.  You chose me.  I did not choose you.  You pursued me with goodness and mercy, and you found me.  In desperation, I turned to you as a last resort.  Even so, you did not reject me for my former ways, my attempts to make life work on my own.  Instead, as the father of the lost (prodigal) son, you ran to meet me while I was still a far way off.  You were looking for me every day of my life, just waiting for me to return to you.  When I turned to you, you wrapped me in robes of righteousness, put a ring of fidelity on my finger, and you threw a great party.  You said to anyone who would listen, “My son has returned!  Let us rejoice with dancing and singing.”  And you sang over me with joy.  You continue to sing over me with joy every day of my life.  I do not deserve this, but in your great mercy and love for me, you gave it to me.  Now I belong to you.  Now I am fully restored to you.  Now, nothing can snatch me away from you.  You hold me fast in the palm of your hand. Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Amen.

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