The Great Physician

Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.  You are the great Physician.  You are the great Healer.  When we get sick, or hurt, you are the one who created the ability of our bodies to heal themselves.  Sometimes it is quick, sometimes it takes time.  Nevertheless, in most cases, you created our bodies to recover from illness and disease. However, in certain cases, the illness or disease is so great that our natural defenses, which you created, are not enough to heal the illness or disease.  For these cases, you have given great wisdom and knowledge to doctors who can prescribe medicines and therapies to help us.  Sometimes these medicines and therapies cure us.  Sometimes they just slow the disease and give us more time.  Whatever the case, we are thankful for the natural healing of our bodies and the medicines and therapies that you have given us.  Yet sometimes you choose to do the miraculous.   Sometimes you choose to heal us completely apart from the natural healing or the medicines or therapies that the doctors provide.  For this we are also grateful.  You are the great Physician, the great Healer.  All these things are from your hand, whether it be natural healing, medicines and therapies from the doctors, or a miraculous supernatural healing.  Our very lives sometimes depend on your healing hand.  And one day, we will all die.  This too, is from your hand.  It is not what you chose for us but is a natural consequence of our rebellion against you.  Yet again, you provided healing from even death.   For those of us who believe that you raised Jesus from the dead and have accepted your forgiveness from our sins through his blood shed on the cross, you have provided the ultimate healing – eternal life.  For all of this we are grateful.  You are truly the Great Physician.  Amen.

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