God’s Lovingkindness

Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.  You do not treat us as our sins deserve.  Instead, you are full of mercy, grace, and lovingkindness.  For this is your nature, and our sins have been paid for by what Jesus did for us on the cross.  We are your precious children whom you love more than we know.  You rejoice over us with singing!  You are so delighted that we belong to you, and you want only the best for us.  We can do nothing to earn this kind of love.  This kind of love just flows naturally from who you are.  It is in your nature to love.  It is in your nature to look out for our interests because you are not self-focused, but completely other-focused.  You have need of nothing, so we can give nothing back to you except that which we have already received from you.  This is the nature of your love, for you are love.  We rest in the knowledge that we are loved and accepted completely by you.  This is the rest that you give to our souls.  We bask in your delight for us.  We delight in you because you delight in us.  Nothing can separate us from your love.  Nothing in this world or the next.  It is finished and accomplished, the forgiveness of our sins.  You promised that, because of your great love for us, you will never leave us or forsake us.  No matter what happens in this world, you are with us, watching over us to turn everything that happens in this world for our good.  There can be no more safe and secure place to be.  For we are in your loving care every moment of every day.  You also promised that you would not allow anything to happen to us without your assent.  Everything must go through you and your love.  This is your lovingkindness.  Right now, our sight is limited. and we see only bits of your lovingkindness toward us.  When we get to the other side, you will show us the full extent of your lovingkindness to us.  O what a day that will be!  To be fully in your presence!  Until that day, we rest in the knowledge that your lovingkindness to us will never fail.  Amen.

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