Fill Me to Overflowing

Father, I thank you for being always with me and that you will be with me to the end.  Thank you for your Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, who lives inside of me.  Thank you for leading me, guiding me, and giving me wisdom.  You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning, and the end.  You see all things.  You see the past, the present, and the future.  You know what is going to happen before it happens.  You can do anything at any time for your glory and the good of all your people, including me.  I place my trust in you, and only you.  I want to live my life submitted to your will, so that when people are with me, they see something of you when with me.  Help me to stop trying to make life work and trust that you will work out your very best in my life as I submit myself to you and your will.  Give me your desires, your thoughts, your Spirit.  Fill my life so that it becomes a sweet aroma of Jesus to all whom I meet.  Fill my life so that you overflow to all whom my life touches.  May I be Jesus to all whom I meet today.  I long for the home in heaven that Jesus is preparing for me, but I want to be your spring of living water to all whom my life touches.  I want to be your light in this dark world until that day that I go home to you.  May I shine brightly for your glory and the good of all whom my life touches today.  I give myself to you for these purposes today.  Amen.

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