Mercy, Love, and Compassion

Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.  You do not treat us as our sins deserve.  You are full of mercy, love, and compassion.  You knew we were without hope, so you did what no one else could do, you rescued us from certain destruction.  For you are a consuming fire, and you demand holy perfection.  Without that holy perfection, we were destined to be objects of your wrath.  But you, being full of mercy, love, and compassion, put into motion a plan that you had since before the world began, a plan to rescue us from your wrath.  You provided the man, Jesus, the only perfect human being, to be the sacrifice for our sin.  Instead of taking out your wrath on us, he took on our sin, and you took out your wrath on him.  For only he was worthy, because he was perfect, without spot or blemish.  Only such a one could pay the price for our sin, our rebellion against you.  You led him to the cross upon which he took on our sin, and experienced complete separation from you.  That complete separation from you is hell for any human being.  For you created us to be with you.  Without you, we are not only lost, but we are nothing, and experience an eternal anguish no human should ever experience.  This is what Jesus experienced on the cross as you turned your back on him as he took on the sin of the whole world.  For you are holy and cannot look upon sin.  It must be destroyed, removed from your presence forever.  O what anguish of soul he must have experienced!  All for us.  All because you are full of mercy, love, and compassion. Yet the story did not end there.  Yes, he gave up his life on that cross, but there was more.  On the third day, you raised him from the dead, your anger satisfied by the sacrifice of his life.  And on that day, those of us who believe were also raised from the deadness of sin and rebellion to new life in Jesus.  This is the promise of eternal life.  You give eternal life through Jesus.  Thank you for your mercy, love, and compassion!  There is truly no one like you!  And there is truly no one like Jesus!  To him we owe our very lives, our complete allegiance against the enemy of our souls who led us into the rebellion against you.  For now, because of your mercy, love, and compassion for us, the enemy is destroyed forever, and we are saved from your wrath.  Only you could pull this rescue plan off!  Only you could dream of such a daring plan!  Only your mercy, love, and compassion could accomplish this.  There is truly no one like you!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Amen.

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