Sovereign Generosity

Father, you are a very present help in time of trouble.  You are my refuge and strength.  I do not know what tomorrow may hold, but I know you hold the future.  For you have seen it already, and you have good things planned for me, and for all those who love your appearing.  I don’t even know what today holds.  I have plans for today and tomorrow, but I place them in your good hands, confident that you will do what is best for me.  You are sovereign over everything.  Nothing can happen without your permission.  Even with Job, you allowed the evil one to take so much from him, even his health, but you commanded the evil one to spare his life.  You put a limit on what the evil one could do to him.  And then, amid Job’s suffering, you brought it to an end, and gave him seven times more than what he had before.  That is just like you.  You restore “what the locusts have eaten.”  You are our provider and the anchor for our souls.   You promised that, though we will have trouble in this life, you are always with us.  You promise that you will provide what we need.  Yet, for me, you have given me so much more than what I need.  Your generosity is amazing.  It makes me want to give more to those in need.  It motivates me to find those in need and give to them as generously as you have given to me.  I ask that this day you show me those in need and allow me to share what you have given to me.  After all, it is not my own, but yours.  You give me everything I have.  My family, my home, my job, my friends, and so much more.  It is all a gift from you.  And, Father, may I give myself to those whom my life touches today.  Make me an instrument of your blessing, not only physically, but emotionally, spiritually, all of who I am.  Make me like Jesus.  May all whom my life touches today see Jesus in me.  Fill me with your Spirit to overflowing so that all those around me will be touched by the overflow.  Fill me with joy as I serve everyone you bring in my path today.  May I spread your joy, your love, your mercy, your forgiveness, your generosity, all of who you are.  This is my prayer.  Amen.

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