A God Beyond Our Comprehension


Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.  In your essence you are beyond our understanding, even our wildest imaginations.  We tend to, in our minds, make you like ourselves, only a better version of ourselves.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  You are unique and completely other.  Yes, we are made in your image, but that image was corrupted by our rebellion against you.  So, even though that image is still there, it is marred by sin.  Your written word tells us that you are at once a consuming fire and a tender, compassionate, and loving being.  Those two seem directly opposed to each other, yet in you they are not.  You are a judge and destroyer of all that is evil, and you are a tender “Abba” (daddy) to those whom you have redeemed for yourself.  You are immensely powerful, all powerful, yet you speak to our hearts in a still, small whisper.  You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, ruler of everything, yet you are humble of heart.  So much so, that you dared to become one of us and walk among us so that we could see what you are like.  In Jesus, we see your humility and truth.  Humility, in that he made himself of no reputation, but was born into the lowest of circumstances.  Humility, in that no one even recognized him except those to whom you revealed the truth about him.  Truth, in that he taught us the truth about you and the truth about man.  The truth that you are humble, but majestic, willing to reach into the lowest depths of society to rescue those trapped by sin, yet so powerful that even the wind and the waves obey your every command.  The truth that man is beyond any hope of redemption without you.  The truth that you placed our sins on Jesus, so that we could be your children, the recipients of your glory and grace.  You created all the stars in the heavens, so vast that they take our breath away when we see just a portion of them in the dark night sky.  Yet many of these stars are magnitudes of order larger than our sun.  And there are so many that we cannot count them.  When we try, the number is so large, we cannot comprehend it.  Yet, you see the smallest bird on the earth when it falls to the ground.  You are aware of all your creation all at once.  Nothing, not even the smallest thing escapes your notice.  For you are infinite in your essence and very present everywhere, all at once.  You existed before the world began and you will be here when it ends.  History is your story, and the future is intimately known by you.  Because of whom you are, and your great love for us, you have granted us eternal life in Jesus.  We will continue to be, even beyond the end of the earth.  You made us immortal, and you have great things prepared for us in the future.  You also promise to never leave us or forsake us.  For this reason, we need have no fear.  For our future is pre-determined – we will be with you.  And while we are here on this earth, you will take care of us, just as a loving parent looks after their precious children.  Yes, we are precious to you.  What a wondrous thing you have done in making us your precious children!  We are eternally grateful!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!   Amen.

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