Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe. For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come. There is no one like you. From everlasting to everlasting, you are God. You are everywhere all at once, supremely present in every place, everlasting in your existence. There is no where anyone can hide from you. You are in all, through all, and by the power of your word everything exists that does exist. You see and hear all that goes on. Nothing is hidden from you. You are omnipotent, all powerful, able to do anything by the power of your word. From your very word, the universe was formed, and the earth came into being. From your very word, the earth produced vegetation, fish in the sea, and animals on dry land. From your very word, you purposed to make man from the dust of the ground and breathe the breath of life into his nostrils. From your very word, you purposed to make a helper for him from his own flesh, one just like him, yet different, so that he was not alone. For you declared that it was not good for him to be alone. And they became one in your presence, filled with joy in your presence, obedient to your every command. Yet, in your infinite wisdom, you gave them a choice to continue to obey you and trust you. For you did not want beings that had no choice. You wanted them to choose you, just as you chose to create them. Yet, being deceived by the evil one, inexplicably, they chose to not trust you and disobeyed. Yet you were not surprised, for you know everything from beginning to end. You knew this would happen, so before the world began, you purposed to rescue them from their sin, their rebellion, and not only them, but all their descendants who chose to believe you. For their descendants were born into rebellion against you, and were, by nature, objects of your wrath. By your word, you created Jesus, a man who could live as you intended man to live, and ultimately give his life to rescue them from their rebellion. Many have believed in his name, his sacrifice, your word about him, his words of truth, and have been granted eternal life. Now, that which you planned from the beginning is coming to pass. Many are passing from death into life by believing you, believing your word. And through the power of your word and your Spirit, they are becoming one with you. This you planned from the beginning. What a wondrous plan! What a mighty God, the only true one, the only faithful one, you are! We bow in humble adoration, for you can accomplish by your word things that we could not have imagined. And you promise us that you are preparing even more things for us that we cannot even now imagine. Good things, righteous things, wonderful things. Again, we bow in humble adoration. You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are the great I AM. Thank you for rescuing us and giving us eternal life. We do not deserve it, but you, being merciful and gracious have granted it to us by the power of your word and the work of your son Jesus. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Amen.