Thank you, Abba!

Abba, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.

Abba, thank you for another new day.  This day is a gift from you.  I don’t know what today holds for me, but I know that you are always with me.  I know that your love is incredible, inexplicable, inexorable, unfailing.  That you love me is beyond my understanding.  You are always with me, through thick and thin, helping me, guiding me, directing me in your ways.  Your ways are life and light and truth.  I do not deserve any of this, but in your great mercy, grace and compassion, you bestowed on me the inscrutable power to become a child of God.  My only part was coming to you and asking for you to take my life and do with it what you want.  I made a mess of my life, but when I confessed this to you and asked for your help, you created something new in me.  You granted me the faith to believe.  And with that belief, you opened my eyes to your great love for me and I saw this world and your creation in a new light.  As if I had been born anew.  Indeed, I was born again, this time into your spiritual kingdom, the kingdom of the One you love, Jesus Christ.  This is a kingdom of light and life and power and glory, the extent of which I only know in part now.  However, when Jesus returns or when I die, I know I will know fully, for I will see Jesus as he is.  As the scripture says, I will know even as I am known by you.  You know me better than I know myself.  You know who I am becoming in your kingdom, a man full of your glory which has been shared with me through Jesus – the glory you gave him from eternity, revealed in these last days to those of us who believe in him.  You raised him from the dead, conquering death and hell, giving him the power to grant me new life in You through Him.  Thank you so much for this undeserved gift of light and life!  Thank you so much for making me a child of God!  Yes, that is who I am.  One day, you will reveal all that I am in You.  You will take me in your arms and say, “Precious child of mine, you’re home!”  O how I look forward to that glorious day!  Today, while I am still weighed down with this body of death in which you have placed your treasure, I choose to praise you and glorify you, confident that you will complete the good work you have begun in me.  I long for your return, and I do so with joy, knowing that my redemption draws near.  So, today I place my trust in you, knowing that you are good beyond measure, full of light and life and truth.  Amen.


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