Many people are very, very disappointed with the outcome of the recent elections. Some are even in despair. Yet even if your candidate(s) did not win, there is reason for hope. Let me explain…
Throughout the thousands of years of human society, various kinds of leaders have come into power. Some were good people, some were bad. Some were jerks and egomaniacs, or worse. But there is cause for hope. No matter the disposition or history of the leader, they were/are still subject to God’s authority. He is, after all, the “King of Kings.” Nothing good or bad can happen without his permission. In fact, God has a history of causing leaders to do the good things that He wants done. This is why those who follow God are encouraged to pray for their leaders. When leaders do bad things, God is “sovereign” and can bring good out of what was intended for evil. Often, we do not see the good that is being done, yet it is there. God is also patient with everyone, even those we see as very, very bad leaders. (Thank God that he is patient, because we all do bad things from time to time, no matter how hard we try to do good.)
Now you may be among the many people who are very happy about the results of the election. May I provide a word of caution? Some leaders are not always as good as they seem. Some promise more than they can (or want) to deliver when they get into office. This is why those who follow God are encouraged to pray for their leaders. These leaders are subject to God’s authority. Nothing good or bad can happen without his permission. God is “sovereign” and can bring good out of what appears to be bad. Throughout thousands of years of human society, God has moved the hearts of kings and leaders to do what He wants them to do.
No matter what your reaction to the election, you have an important part to play in the direction of our country. Often, we don’t know what is good for our country, but God does. Ask Him to guide and direct our leaders to do that which is good. God does answer our prayers, and it pleases Him that we depend on Him to direct the hearts of our leaders. This does not mean that we will always be happy with what our leaders decide to do. Nevertheless, good or bad, God promises that he will work out everything for good for those who put their trust in Him.