Abba Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe. For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come. There is no one like you. From everlasting to everlasting, you are God. I am so very honored and humbled to be called one of your children, one of your sons. You rescued me from a life of sin, selfishness, and pride, redeemed me for yourself, and granted me eternal life through faith in your son, Jesus. I am so thankful to be called one of your children. I am so thankful for you. You are beyond amazing. I do not understand your ways. They are beyond finding out. Yet, I am grateful that you allow me to participate in what you are doing. I see glimpses of what you are doing through the Holy Spirit whom you placed within me. I sense your presence within me by your Spirit. I know it is true because your words are always true. You never ever lie, for only the truth is in you. You hate liars, those who persist in lies because they have no part in you. Your son Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. All who put their trust in him will never be put to shame. I thank you that you searched me out and found me, that I turned to you in my desperation, and that you accepted me with open arms. You did not judge me for my sin, because Jesus paid the price for my sin. Now I am yours forever and one day I will dwell with you face to face forever. This is almost too wonderful for me. Yet your Spirit bears witness with my spirit that it is true. Your words are always true. Fill me with your Spirit today so that I might listen and obey, doing your will, just as Jesus did your will. For in this you delight. Not because you are some megalomaniac. No, it is because your will brings about righteousness in me and in those around me, and your righteousness is what we need. You think not about what is good for you, but always is good for your beloved. Your desire is to see us prosper. You desire only good things for us. We are yours and you are ours. We are one with you, just as you intended from before the foundation of the world. And all this is possible because of the death, burial and resurrection of your son, Jesus. We are one with you and him and the Holy Spirit you have placed within us. We are one with all those who believe you. Abba, may we continue to be one in purpose and deed. May we continue to be one in your righteousness, seeking to do the works that you prepared for us to do before the foundation of the world. Abba, I ask that you give me the courage and strength, the words, and the wisdom, to tell the world about you so that many more whom you have chosen will hear the truth and put their faith and trust in your son Jesus. Abba, I ask that you make me a servant to all those around me, so that I can be like you, looking out for their good, not my own. May your love permeate my being, love for you and for those you have chosen. May your love rule over my life, permeate my being, and show me your will and your ways, for the good of all whom my life touches. This is my prayer. Amen.