Abba, Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe. For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come. There is no one like you. From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.
Abba Father, you are wiser than the wisest being who has ever lived. No one is your equal, nor is anyone above you. You are above all things and through you all things were made that have been made. No one can ascend to your throne because no one can be who you are. You are love, mercy, grace, lovingkindness, and a consuming fire all at once. You rain down justice and mercy on the righteous and unrighteous. No one can understand your ways or your thoughts. They are so much higher than any created being, that no one can comprehend how you think. Yet you have desired to take lowly man, those who believe in you, into your confidence. You call us friend. You show us what you are doing and invite us to join you in what you are doing, even when we don’t fully comprehend it. This is amazing. I dare not ask why. You just chose to do this for those of us who believe, and that is enough. And then, you placed your Spirit in us! Through your Spirit we experience something of you, and you experience all that we experience. We have a divine experience, and you have a human experience. That seems like an unfair trade. Yet it is not a trade at all. It is what you have chosen to do because of who you are. I cannot fully comprehend it, but I know it is true because the Spirit witnesses with my spirit that it is the truth. Today, fill me with your Spirit so that I can more fully experience you. I want to obey you so that I can more fully experience you and your goodness. I want to serve others like you serve me and all who believe. You are the Servant-King, and you invite all your subjects to be servants to others for your name’s sake. In this way, we become like you, and in this way, you bless others through us. May I ever be in your service, doing for others what you invite me to do. May I be in your service today and every other day of my life here on earth. Show me what you are doing around me so that I can join you in what you are doing. Give me wisdom to serve as you would have me to serve. Help me to rely on your infinite wisdom and not my own. For you see all and are doing good for the sake of all. This is something I cannot comprehend. My lowly mind cannot see the grand scheme of things that you see, nor can my mind comprehend it. So, I trust you to show me what to do and how to do it. I trust you to show me what to say and how to say it. I trust you to make me into all that you intended when you created me so that I can be who you intended. Who we are is more important than anything we do. For it is from the inward parts where your Spirit dwells that our actions to serve others come. Show me who I am to be and how to be the person you intended me to be when you created me. May I pour out my life for others today in some small way like Jesus did when he poured out his life when he walked this earth and died on the cross for our sin. This is my hope and my prayer. You living through me and me living in you. Becoming one just as Jesus asked that we become one. One with you and one with all who believe you. May we become a community that is one, serving each other and proclaiming to the world who you are. This is my mission, our mission. It is what you desired from the beginning before the foundation of the world. May it be my desire today. This is my prayer. Amen.