Abba, thank you for this day, another day in which we can experience together. Thank you for all that you have provided me and my family – with much more than we need. Far beyond our daily bread and clothes and shelter. You have blessed us with many things. Thank you for my truck which is now being repaired. Thank you for our car. Thank you for this house that you provided at just the opportune time – before COVID and before interest rates went up. But most of all, thank you for rescuing me from my sinful self and placing your Spirit within me when I believed! You and your great love are amazing! Your love is constant, unrelenting, and eternal. For that I am very grateful. Fill me with your Spirit today so that I can walk and talk with you all day long and we can be about your business. Open my eyes to what you are doing today and help me to join you in it. Free me from selfish pursuits so that I can do your will and bless others today. May I be Jesus to them this day. To everyone whom my life touches today. Let me be your hands and feet and voice to the weary and heavy laden so that they are unburdened and blessed by your presence. We are in this day together, you and me, Abba. May we experience this day together in your presence. Make me a blessing to all those around me. May they experience something of you when with me. This is my prayer. Amen.