God’s Light and Life and Love

Abba Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and al that is to come.  There is no one like you.  From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.  Yet with all your immense power, you are full of lovingkindness, mercy, and grace.  You are not easily angered.  You love with a love that is infinite, everlasting.  And we who believe are the objects of this great love.  You are a giver, not a taker.  You take great delight in giving good gifts to your children.  You are the great Giver.  Although we were once objects of your wrath because we sinned and rebelled against you, when we turned to you in desperation because we could not make life work on our own, you ran, yes ran, to meet us, just like the father of the prodigal son.  You threw your arms around us and kissed us on our cheeks and said, “I am so glad you came home.”  And you did not stop there.  You treated us as though we had never rebelled against you.  You gave us robes of righteousness and a place of honor as your beloved child.  What an amazing God you are!  You gave up everything so that we could be forgiven and be your children.  While we were still in rebellion against you, you gave your only begotten son, Jesus, that we might have this place of light and life with you!  While we were still in rebellion against you!  You went first.  As we come to you, giving up living life on our own terms, it delights your soul.  For only as we give up and come to you in desperation are we in a place to accept your love and forgiveness, your righteousness, your goodness, your light, and life.  Thank you so much for going first!  If you had not done so, there would be no hope for us.  For we were spiritually dead in our trespasses and sins and incapable of doing or saying or being anything approaching righteousness.   Now that we are your beloved children, our desire is to love like you do.  To give up our own agendas, our own well-being, and serve those who are yours, and to tell the good news to those who are not.  This is our mission, given by you, the great Giver.  We are to be givers like you.  Thinking not of our own selves but thinking of and doing for others.  You are the most other-centered being in the universe.   You call us to be like you, to be other-centered children of yours.  As we do this, we find light and life in you.  You fill us up so that we have something to give.  Fill me with your Spirit today, Abba Father.  Fill me to overflowing so that I have much to give to others around me.  May your light and life flow out of me like rivers of living water for the good and well-being of all whom my life touches today.  May they see Jesus in me in all that I am, say and do today.  Give them a glimpse of the glory that is ours through Jesus.  Draw them to yourself though what I am to be, and say, and do today.  This is my mission today – to be like Jesus for the well-being of all whom my life touches today.  This is my prayer.  Amen.

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