Thankful, Chosen and A Blessing

Abba Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.  Thank you for your great goodness to me.  Thank you for the new job that will be starting soon.  Thank you for Paula, Renee, and Rachel.  Thank you for a house to live in.  Thank you for the food you provide for us today.  Thank you for our cars to carry us to the places we need to go.  Thank you for the 401k money that is keeping us going until the new job starts.  Thank you for our cat, Mel.  Thank you so much for the relationship that you and I have together.  It is so good to be your son, to belong to you, to be loved by you.  It is so good to have your Spirit dwelling inside of me, the Spirit that leads me into all truth.  It is so good to have communion with you, talking with you, listening to your Spirit.  Abba, help me to listen always to your Spirit.  Abba, help me to always follow the leadership of your Holy Spirit, who comforts me and guides me.  Abba, thank you so much for rescuing me from myself and my sin and rebellion against you.  Without you I would be nothing but a dead shell of a man fulfilling the lusts of the flesh and destined for eternal punishment.  Thank you for choosing me to be your son from before the foundation of the world.  What a wondrous thing that is!  To be chosen by you to not fulfill the lusts of the flesh, but to follow you all the days of my life and take part in the eternal life that you have prepared for all whom you have chosen!  Abba, give me strength and courage this day to live right side up in this upside down world.  Help me to spread the good news that others, too, can join us in this eternal life if they are willing to turn from their sin and rebellion and let you change them into the people that you intended them to be when you created them.  As the prodigal/lost son returned to his father, so may many around me return to you.  Give me wisdom and courage to speak the truth to them in a way that they can hear the good news, repent, and turn to you.  Bring people into my life to whom I can be a light to light the way to you.  Give me the words to say and how to say them.  And, Abba, help me to be an encouragement to those who already know you.  Help me to be and say and do what you intend – for the well-being of all whom my life touches today.  May they see Jesus in me.  May I be your hands and feet and voice to them.  Help me to be whatever you need me to be to them today.  Make me a special blessing to all whom my life touches today.  This is my prayer.  Amen.

#Thankful  #Chosen  #Blessing

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