Father, what do you say to me today?
John, Just as I said to Abraham, I am your very great reward. In this life, one might receive an Oscar, an Emmy, a Tony, or even the Presidential Medal of Freedom. These are but transitory and fleeting. They last for just a piece of the vapor of this life. You can’t take them with you when you die. But me, you have me forever. I have placed my Spirit within you even now. Nothing can take me from you. You have me and all my riches forever, beginning right now. These are riches that can never fade away. There is rich communion with me that nothing on this earth can match. With me, there is fulness of joy that nothing in this world can touch. With me there is hope for a future. I want you to know me, for that is what I made you for. Knowing me is greater than knowing the most famous or most rich person on this earth. It cannot even compare. I am your rock and your salvation. I am your steadfast hope. I am your unending joy of life. You can be filled with joy, even right now, as you listen and obey. Trust and obey. Place your complete trust in me. For I am worthy of your trust. I am the great I AM. I never change. I will always love you as my dear son. I will always delight in you. For I purchase you with the blood of my only begotten son, Jesus. It is finished. It is done. Nothing can change that. You are mine. I give you my joy, the same joy that the three of us, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, have been experiencing for eternity. It is a joy beyond words. It is the joy that fills your soul, and no one can take it from you. It is the joy that no one on earth can bring you, nor can any reward on this earth. It nourishes your soul. It is to be shared with others so that their souls are also nourished by it. Take joy in all that I have created for you here on this earth but rejoice so much more that I have written your name in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Once I have written it there, no one can erase it. It is done. You are mine forever. What joy we can have together now and forever. The joy of sweet communion with each other. The oneness that comes from abiding in my Son, Jesus. As you abide in him and his words abide in you, you become one with us. You become part of our dance of joy. The same dance of joy that we have been experiencing for eternity. I have much to do through you on this earth, John. Allow me to fill you with my Spirit to overflowing each day. Obey my every command. Live! For this is life eternal, to know me. In knowing me, you will continue to become the man that I intended when I created you. You will do great things. Things you cannot even now imagine. All because you believe me and are in communion with me. I will guide and direct you by my Spirit to do these things. You can do the same things that Jesus did while here on earth. For everything he did, he did as a man completely surrendered to me and my will. Completely surrender your will to me and follow me, my son. Together we will do great things. I made you to do these things for the blessing of others. There are many people I want to bless through you. Just be quiet and listen to my voice. Do not be hasty to give an answer to anyone. Wait for me. I will tell you what to say and how to say it. It will be for the blessing and wellbeing of all whom your life touches. For this is my will for you. To bless others, to give your life for others. This is what I made you for. In this you will find great satisfaction because it pleases me. In this you will find joy. And many others will put their trust in me because of your life and your words. They are powerful when they come from me. So, give your life with abandon my son. Give to all whom your life touches. For this is what I made you for – the blessing of others. Stay close to me. Listen carefully to all I tell you. For I have the very words of life. Go in peace, my son. Go and give that others might be blessed. This is your birthright. You will be blessed as you bless others. And always remember that you are mine and I am always with you, forever. Amen.
Thank you, Father, for these words of life. You are truly my very great reward. Amen.