Abba, My Father in Heaven

Abba, Father, you are unlike anyone or anything in all the universe that you created.  You are an everlasting fountain of love, grace, and mercy.  You do not treat us as our sins deserve because of what your Son Jesus did for us on the cross.  He took all our sins upon himself and along with that the punishment for those sins.  You placed your Spirit within us, making us your dear children in whom you delight.  We, through your Spirit cry out, “Abba,” for you are now our dear Father.  You have lavished on us every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus.  Thank you for making me your child and filling me with your Holy Spirit.  May I overflow with love, grace and mercy to all those I encounter today.  May everyone my life touches today see Jesus in me.  Open opportunities to show them the fountain of your great love, grace, and mercy, flowing through me.  Help me, through the power of your Spirit, to see what you are doing around me today and do that, obeying your every command, just as Jesus did.  Help me to be all that you intended me to be when you created me.  This is my prayer.  Amen

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