Intimacy With God

Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  You are eternal, without beginning and without end.  You are holy, separate from all your creation in that nothing in your creation is exactly like you.  Yet you desire to be, and are, intimately involved in all your creation.  You are in complete control of all your creation.  Nothing happens that is not initiated or allowed by you.  Most of all, you desire to have an intimate relationship with man, who you created in your image, in your likeness.  That includes each one of us.  That includes me.  What a wondrous thing that the created ones may have a close, intimate relationship  with you, the Creator!  In fact, you made me for this very purpose, that I might know you and be known by you.  Of course, you know me completely because you created me.  Not a thought is in my mind or on my tongue but what you know it already.  Yet you have given me the freedom to think and speak and do as I please.  You are not controlling.  What I want is what you want, to be consciously open to you.  So that I share with you what I think and speak and feel and do.  You want me to share with you what you already know.  And you want to share yourself with me.  To reveal yourself to me.  You do this through your written word, but also through your Spirit whom you have placed within me.  You speak to me by your Holy Spirit.  Spirit of you to my spirit so that my thoughts are infused with your thoughts.  You reveal yourself to me, sharing yourself to me so that I might be like you.  Yes, I want to be like you.  As I walk through each day, you are sharing yourself and your will with me in my thoughts, even when I am not conscious of it.  You place your thoughts in my mind.  Many times I have thought that these were my thoughts, only to discover later that they were planted there by you.  You show me how to love others, how to encourage and strengthen them – those who know you.  And for those who do not know you, you put thoughts in my mind and words on my tongue that draw them to you.  You lead me to do things for them that will show them the love of Jesus.  In me and through me, you show them Jesus.  I take great delight in this intimate relationship with you and what you are doing through me.  You amaze me in your ability to merge your thoughts with mine, so that I think and speak your thoughts.  Yet I am prone to wander from you and often I think thoughts that are not from you.  Yet you gently bring me back and put me back in communication with you.  Fill me with your Holy Spirit each day so that this wandering of mine takes place less and less, and my union with you and your thoughts take place more and more.  Fill me to overflowing with your joy and peace that I can share with all whom my life touches.  May they experience something of you when with me.  This is my prayer.  Amen.

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