The Holder of Today and Tomorrow

Father, you do not promise us anything but peace during inevitable trouble in this life.  We have no idea what tomorrow holds, but we know you have already seen tomorrow.  We also know that no matter what happens to us, you will be with us, holding us in your precious hands, guarding our hearts and minds as we go through whatever struggles you allow in our lives.  It is in you we place our trust.  Your unfailing love and concern keep us.  Your grace and mercy are more than enough for our failings, for we surely fail at many times.  Your forgiveness and love are so wide and long and high and deep we cannot fathom it.  Nothing will separate us from your love.  Nothing can separate us from your love. We belong to you forever as your precious children.  Belonging to you is such a restful place.  Help us to remember to rest in the fact that we belong to you and that you will be with us every step of the way through this dark and troublesome world.  Along the way, you provide joy and peace as we trust in you.  For you are the holder of today and tomorrow and forever.  In your presence is fountains of joy.  May I share this trust and joy with others as I move forward through this life.  Fill me with your Spirit so full that I cannot contain it, that I must allow you and your joy to spill out and over to all whom my life touches.  When I am with others, may they see Jesus in me.  Make me a blessing to all whom you allow my life to touch today.  May I encourage others to rest in the fact that you hold them in your precious hands.  May I encourage others to rest in the fact that you hold today and tomorrow and forever in your good hands.  This is my prayer.  Amen.

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