Order Out of Chaos

Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.  Father, your power is without precedent.  No one before you created such an amazing universe.  We are still learning about it from afar.  We build giant telescopes, radio receivers and receivers capable of capturing light spectrums we cannot see with the human eye, and they provide us but tiny glimpses into portions of the massive universe you have created.  We measure the heavenly bodies we detect thousands of light years away from us.  We cannot even conceive of these distances in any human terms.  Thousands of years traveling at the speed of light.  This distance is beyond our comprehension.  Yet we know that the universe you created is at least that large, maybe larger.  We are constantly discovering more about it.  There are literally thousands of galaxies of millions of stars each, some of which are 10, 20 or more times larger than our sun.  This is beyond our comprehension in human terms.  There are black holes, possibly from dying stars, of which we know only a little.   There are gases strewn across light years of space from the birth and death of stars.  We can only “see” these gases through devices that capture light from a spectrum we cannot see with the human eye.  We have to artificially color these images in order to make them comprehendible to the human eye. Even so, they are beautiful, breathtaking and amazing.  What if we could see all the colors of the light spectrum?  No doubt the night sky would light up like nothing we have ever seen before.  The northern lights would be but a passing blip of near nothingness compared to the light in the universe.  The darkness of space cannot overcome the light that you have created in the universe.  It cannot comprehend it, for in the beginning you separated light from darkness.  And all of this is just your handiwork.  Your knitting of a covering over the earth, as it were.  You made man in your image, in your likeness.  You gave man the power to bring order out of chaos, just as you did in the beginning when you created all that is.  You made man to rule over the earth in the same way that you rule over your creation.  Not as an absolute tyrant, but one who tames the wild.  One who considers carefully, and guides created things into the order for which they are intended.  Man is also made like you, capable of relationship at a deep and intimate level.  Able to bring order out of chaos in relationships as well.  Yet, we cannot do this without you.  We must be filled with your Spirit as you intended in order to be fully capable of healthy relationships.  We must be filled with your Spirit to be able to be fully human.  For we cannot exist alone.  We were never meant to exist alone, but with you, our Creator, Friend, Brother, Father.  Only as we rely on you can we become all that you intended when you created us.  Then we will be able to truly relate to you and each other as you intended from the beginning.  Father, fill me with your Spirit.  Make me to be like you in every way.  May I be a perfect expression of you, just as Jesus was a perfect expression of who you are.  Make me like Jesus.  May I be allowed to create order out of chaos in this dark world so that many would be able to believe and see the light of Christ.  May I always be who you intended me to be when you created me.  This is my prayer.  Amen.

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