Fill Me With Your Presence

Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.  You do not treat us as our sins deserve.  Even when we fail, your love shines brightly, and because you gave up your only begotten son for us, you are able to forgive and restore us.  You are so very good to us.  You give us good gifts.  Every good and perfect gift is from you.  You provide for us when there seems no possible way to do so.  You give us wisdom liberally when we ask for it.  You speak kindly to our hearts.  When we humbly come to you, you welcome us with open arms, and you make precious promises to us.  Without you, we are nothing.  For to be completely human as you designed us, we must have your presence with us and in us.  You place your Spirit within us and give us joy.  This joy spills out to those around us and through it they see a bit of you.  Some who do not know you do not understand where the joy comes from, but they are blessed by it and drawn to you by it.  Fill me with your Spirit, Father.  Fill me with your joy.  May others whom my life touches be drawn to you by what they experience when with me.  May I be Jesus to all whom my life touches today.  It is in the precious name of Jesus that I make this request of you because he gave his very life for me.  This is prayer.  Amen.

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