Faithful and True

Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.  Father, you are the only completely faithful one.  You are the only one who keeps his promises without fail.  From the very beginning, you promised a savior who would crush the head of the serpent who enticed the first man and woman to rebel against you.  You were determined that the evil one would not prevail and thwart your plans for man.  Though the evil one tried mightily to do so, he was unsuccessful because of your faithfulness.  Though many men continued in their rebellion against you, you kept a few for yourself who would believe you.  You promised them a savior, though you did not reveal your complete plan.  You kept it hidden from the evil one and from those who would dare to oppose you.  You had a plan to restore the world, and at just the right time, you sent your only begotten son into the world to save the world – all who would believe.  In this way, you kept your word and were true to yourself, even at great cost to yourself.  For your son had to take on the sins of the whole world and die for your plan to succeed.  Yet you did not shrink back from this awful price to be paid.  For the joy that was set before him, Jesus willingly went to the cross, knowing that you would fulfill your promises and raise him from the dead to new life, and with him we would be raised to new life.  And then, as Jesus promised his disciples, he sent your Holy Spirit to dwell within us.  What an intimate union this is!  That you would dwell within us, guiding us, comforting us, helping us, as we walk through this dark and dangerous world!  You promised us power through the Holy Spirit, power to be your witnesses in this dark world, so that many others would be able to hear the truth and believe.  Along with this, you gave us the power to live lives of faithfulness and love.  Loving others around us so that they might believe and be encouraged in their walk with you.  Make us faithful witnesses and encouragers to all whom our lives touch.  Make me a faithful witness and encourager to all whom my life touches.  I want to be just like you, faithful and true.  Fill me with your love so that I can do so.  Help me to be and say and do all that you want me to be and say and do – for the sake of others.  Let me not shrink back from the hard things that you ask me to do.  Give me the power to do them, for your name’s sake.  May I love with abandon, just as you love with abandon.  May I be generous with abandon, just as you are generous with abandon.  May I speak the truth boldly, just as Jesus spoke the truth boldly.  Yet keep me gentle, always looking out for the good of others, gently pointing them in the direction of you.  For you are humble and gentle of heart and I want to be like you.  You do not shove others toward the truth and love.  No, you gently love them and guide them into all truth.  You are a gentleman, always hoping, always nurturing, always speaking faithfully, but gently, toward all those who need you.  May I be the same.  This is my prayer.  Amen.

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