All Praise Belongs to You

Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.  All praise belongs to you, O Lord.  You are the creator of all things and all people.  Past, present, and future.  You are the one who holds everything together by your word.  You spoke everything into existence in the beginning, and you can speak everything out of existence with one word.  You took great care when you created us.  Forming the body of the first man out of the dust of the earth.   Then you breathed into him the breath of life.  Yet you were not interested in human beings who follow you and walk and talk with you just because they had to.  No, you gave them a choice.  A choice to trust you and stay in relationship with you, or not.  Incredibly, the first man and woman did not.  They were fooled by the serpent into believing that you were holding out on them, that you were withholding some wisdom from them.  That they could not be like you.  What an incredible lie they were told.  For you had created them in your image and likeness.  They were like you.  You were withholding nothing good from them, only that which was evil.  Yet the lie worked, and they ate the fruit of the tree about which you had commanded them, “You shall not eat of it or you will surely die.”  All praise goes to you, for when they did this awful thing, you did not leave them alone and without hope.  You did not leave them in their sin.  No, you sacrificed the first animals to provide coverings for them because they recognized their nakedness, their vulnerability.  And you made a promise to them and the serpent that one day you would destroy the serpent and bring them a savior.  And you did!  You did what no one could have imagined.  When the time was right, you humbled yourself and became a man, the man Christ Jesus.  You walked among us and did many incredible miracles.  Yet many did not believe in him.  In fact, even Jesus’ disciples, those closest to him, did not understand, even though Jesus plainly told them that he was going to die.  Yet you had planned this all along, to provide the perfect sacrifice for our sin.  An unblemished and perfect “lamb,” the Lamb of God.  You gave up your most precious and only begotten son so that we could once again live eternal life.  In the disciples’ darkest hour, when they thought all was lost as Jesus hung on the cross, you were providing for their salvation.  And not only them, but the salvation of the whole world.  The salvation of all who would believe.  Then, on the third day, you raised Jesus from the dead, satisfied with his sacrifice.  In him, we who believe were all raised from the dead that day and were given eternal life in him.  Who would have imagined this?  Who would have planned this?  Only you.  All praise and glory and honor goes to you.  For you planned this from before the foundation of the world.  You knew what would happen with man and you planned to rescue us.  How incredible!  How wonderful!  How beyond our wildest imaginations!  Now we are yours forever.  Now we belong to you.  Now we have eternal life.  All because of you and your good purposes.  No one can thwart your plans.  No one can stand in your way.  You are sovereign over everything and everyone.  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Amen.

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