The Holy Spirit In Us

Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.  You are invisible and mysterious, but you chose to make yourself imminently visible in the man Christ Jesus.  He is the exact representation of your being.  Through him we have life and light.  Before him, we were in darkness and spiritually dead.  We had no hope.  But thanks to you, Father, and your plans before the foundation of the world, through Jesus we now have light and life.  When Jesus went to the heavens after his death and resurrection, he sent your Holy Spirit to be with us and in us.  Your Spirit is like the wind.  We can see his effects, but we cannot see him.  Just as the wind blows and we see things move and we know of the wind, so it is with your Spirit.  We see him at work around us, even though we do not see him.  And we know more of you through his being inside of us.  He speaks to us through our thoughts, teaching us all things.  He illuminates the scriptures so that we understand them.  We see him at work around us, creating opportunities for us to shine like the stars in this dark world and share the good news of Jesus and the life and light he brings.  We see him drawing people to you through what happens to them and through what you are doing in us.  As we love the people our lives touch, the Spirit reveals to them that this love is not solely from us, but from you.  When we lack wisdom, and ask you for wisdom, you give it to us through the work of your Holy Spirit who guides us and directs us.  Through his work inside of us, we sense your love for us.  We sense your presence with us.  We sense your nearness to us.  You and he and Jesus are one.  So, when we sense him inside of us doing his good work, we sense you.  We sense how you delight in us.  We sense the peace that passes all understanding that guards our hearts and minds through Jesus.  Thank you for sending him to us.  Fill us to overflowing with your Spirit so that we bless all whom our lives touch.  Fill us so that we are bright and shining lights in this dark world.  Fill us so that we can be an encouragement to others who also believe.  Make my life a blessing to all whom it touches.  Amen.

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