God’s Generosity

Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.  You are the only all-wise one.  We learn some wisdom as we travel through this life, but we are so often in need of wisdom.  Thankfully, you are so generous with your wisdom.  You say that if we lack wisdom, to ask of you and you will give it to us.  This you have demonstrated to me time and time again when I did not know what to do or how to do it.  This morning, I need your wisdom as I discuss a work issue with my bosses.  I humbly ask for your wisdom, and I know you will give it to me.  I ask for wisdom in leading my family through some tough times.  Again, I humbly ask for your wisdom, and I know you will give it to me.  So often I forget to ask you for wisdom and try to tackle life on my own, lacking the wisdom I need.  Yet, you do not fault me for it.  You gently remind me that you are generous with your wisdom when I need it.  In fact, so often I forget, you are the most generous being in the universe.  Your generosity is abundant and free.  You give and give and give, without demanding anything in return.  You provide the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the shelter we need.  Oh yes, we work to provide the money for these things, but even this is from you.  You are the one who gives us the ability and strength to work.  You are the one who provides our jobs.  When I forget, you often remind me of nature and how you provide for your creations.  You provide food for the birds of the air, soil, and moisture for the beautiful wildflowers.  No one provides for them except you.  You bring rain when it is needed for the wildflowers and provide an abundance of seeds and insects for the birds.  They continue to live because of your generosity, your provision.  And you are abundant in your mercy, grace, and lovingkindness toward us.  We are so in need of these things, and you know it.  You extend mercy when we are rebellious, trying to make life work on our own.  Then you gently remind us that we need you, and when we return to you, you grant us mercy and welcome us with open arms.  You extend your grace toward us, granting us favor with you when no favor is deserved.  And your lovingkindness!  O your lovingkindness!  What shall I say?  You show it to us in so many ways too numerous to count.  You pursue us, offering yourself and all that you are even when we don’t know that we need you.  You are loving and kind beyond measure towards us.  Yes, you are so very generous with us!  Thank you for your generosity!  Help me to be generous toward others, just as you are generous with me.  I want to be just like you.  I want to give and give and give out of the abundance you have provided for me.  Today, and each day that you give me here on this earth, I ask that you show me how I can be more and more generous.  Help me to extend mercy, grace, and lovingkindness to all whom my life touches – for your name’s sake and the good of all whom I know.  This is my prayer.  Amen.

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