The God Who Sees Me

The God Who Sees Me

Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  You are the God who sees me.  You see me when I rise in the morning and when I lay down in the evening.  You see me when I am at work or at play.  You see me even when I am alone.  You are familiar with all my ways.  For you created me in my mother’s womb, and you have directed my paths all my life.  You know me intimately, better than anyone else in all the world.  For you see my inward thoughts, desires, and motives.  Nothing about me is hidden from you.  Yet you are not intrusive.  You respect who I am and give me space to be.  Your desire is that I follow in your ways, listen to you, and obey what your Spirit is prompting me to do.  Yet you do not force me to do anything.  And you are patient with me when I mess up.  You gently guide my steps onto the correct path when I wander.  When I spend time with you, alone time with you, you speak to me gently by your Spirit, guiding my thoughts to those things on which you want me to focus.  In those alone times you restore my soul from the assaults of the enemy.  In those alone times with you, you tell me how much you love me and want the very best for me.  You are like a spring of living water, from which I can drink the water of life, and I am filled with your joy and peace.  Yes, you see me and accept me for who I am, knowing that you are changing me into the person you intended when you created me.  No one else completely and totally accepts me for who I am, but you do.  For you created me to be who I am, and you take great delight in who I am.  For I am your precious child, created by you to do good works.  As you see me, Father, reveal to me anything that is not like you.  If there is any wicked way in me, show me and cleanse me of that way.  I want to be just like you, just like Jesus.  I want to show forth your untarnished image.  For you created me in your image, and you want the world to see what you see, your image in me.  May my life be a blessing to all whom my life touches today.  Just as you accept and bless me, so allow me to accept and bless others around me.  Help me to draw out your image in them.  For you created them in your image also.  And just as you see me, you see them.  Your great desire is that they know you and your ways and walk with you in them.  Make me an instrument of your blessing to them this day.  Amen.

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