I Was Born Again

Born Again

Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  You do not refuse anyone who cries out to you from the heart.  You accept all who come to you.  Though we might come to you as a last resort, you never refuse us.  Many years ago, I came to you one evening in desperation.  I had made a mess of my life, was estranged from all my family and friends, and did not know where to turn for help.  I had not slept well for many nights.  I was depressed and confused.  So, in desperation, I knelt by my bed and said, “Father, I made a mess of my life, and I don’t know what to do.  Please take my life and do with it what you will.  I will continue to do what I know to do that is right, but only you can do something good with my life.”  That night I slept better than I had in many nights.  When I awoke, everything seemed peaceful and calm.  Everything seemed brand new.  I walked outside my apartment and heard the birds sing and saw the trees as though I was hearing and seeing them for the very first time.  Nothing in my life had changed.  All my problems remained, but I felt brand new on the inside.  I wondered at what you had done.  Being a “wordsmith” of sorts, I searched for words to describe what had happened to me.  The only words that seemed to fit were “born again.”  It seemed as if I was a brand new person.  My problems were still there, and I really needed some professional help with my depression, but the weight on my soul had lifted, and something was new.  I believe that was when you created someone new inside of me.  A new creation.  A new person.  One with new hopes and desires like nothing I had experienced before.  I now know that you can and will do that for anyone who comes to you, even as a last resort.  You accepted me into your family that night.  I became yours.  I belong to you.  Thank you for rescuing me and making me your own.  I owe you my very life.  Amen.

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