God Sets Up Whom He Will and Takes Down Whom He Will


Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  You rule over all your creation, including mankind.  There is nothing that happens that you do not either allow or cause to happen.   Because you are good, all the things that you cause to happen are supremely good.  Many of them we don’t see, for you are infinitely good and constantly at work in this dark world to bring many sons and daughters into your kingdom of light.  Yet some things we do see.  For example, you are the one who sets up and takes down the rulers of all the kingdoms of this world, including our politicians.  You put in power whom you choose to put in power.  Yes, as a people in this country (the United States), we vote and select who we want to be in charge.  Yet, somehow, through the will of the people, you still set up in power whom you will.  We vote for the ones we think will be best for us, but you choose.  How you do this through the will of the people, I don’t understand.  Yet I know it is true, because of what your written word says about how you set up in power whom you will, and you take down from power whom you will.  We have the extreme example of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon.  He thought his rule was secure and from his own strength and power, and you made him crazy, took him out of power, and then, after seven years, gave it back to him again.  You can do anything with anyone.  I will vote in these mid-terms for who I believe will be best for our nation, our city, our county.  Yet it is you who, through the votes of all the people, will put in power whom you will.  I will trust that you will do what is best in your sight.  For you know best.  Thank you that I live in a country where I get to participate in the process.  Yet I trust that you will do what is best.  I may be dismayed at some of the people who get elected, but I trust that you are in charge.  They may do evil, and many kings in the Old Testament did, or they may do good, as a few of the kings did.  All I ask is that you work in whoever is in power to do what will allow us to live a quiet and peaceable life.  I ask that you guide and direct and influence them.  Allow those of us who know you the freedom to share the good news that, not matter what happens in this world, we have a God who loves us and gave himself up for us, so that we might have eternal life.  Allow us to share this good news with anyone who will listen.  For this is what is truly important.  This is what you desire – that many come to know you and put their trust in you.  So, whatever you choose to do, I will trust you.  For you are the only good one.  For those of us who know you, please fill us with your Spirit so that we will be ready to give an account of what we believe and why we believe to anyone who will listen.  Fill us with your Spirit, so that we bless all those whom our lives touch.  Make us like Jesus.  May we be Jesus to all whom our lives touch, for your glory and their good.  This is my prayer.  Amen.

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