I will rejoice in this day that the Lord has made!


Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  This is the day that you have made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it.  I will rejoice because I am yours.  I belong to you.  Nothing and no one can separate me from you and your love.  I rejoice because you are full of kindness, love, and hope.  I rejoice because you have provided everything I need for this day.  You have provided food, clothing, shelter, and a family who loves me.  You have given me good friends.  And so much more.  You have provided in abundance for me much more than I deserve.  Yet where would I be without your love and your Spirit?  You guide my steps by your written word and your Spirit.  You remind me that I am loved – more than I even know.  It is your great love for me that allows me to love others around me.  It is your great love for me that allows me to give myself for others and show them love.  You are generous beyond every expectation.  Your generosity toward me allows me to be generous to those around me.  You do not treat me as my sins deserve.  Because of you, I can treat others with respect and love even when they do not treat me well.  Because of you, I can forgive those who treat me badly.  Because of you, I can be kind to strangers.  Because of you, I can endure anything you put in my path today.  Because of you, I need have no fear of what might happen to me.  For you take care of me.  You take even the bad things that happen and turn them into something good.  I might not always see the good, but I have confidence that you are doing it.  I also know that you take everything that happens to me and use it to make me more like Jesus.  That is my hope, my confidence.  I want to be more like Jesus every day, including today.  Father, help me to be Jesus to everyone I encounter today.  In that way, I can spread your love, the great love you have shown to me.  Yes, this is the day that you have made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it!  Amen.

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