The Power of the Word of God


Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe.  For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come.  There is no one like you.  You spoke the worlds into being.  Out of nothing, they became something.  By the power of your word.  By the power of your word, the earth continues to grow every living thing.  From microorganisms to sea creatures, to plants and animals – all continue to flourish because of your word.  Trees that no one takes care of are cared for by you.  You bring rain and underwater streams to nourish them, along with the soil that gives them nutrients.  No man waters them – only you.  Some trees have been nourished by the power of your word for centuries without so much as a man or other creature to care for them.  You provide their branches for the birds of the air to perch upon and build their nests in.  All this is from your word.  Only man was formed differently.  You created him out of the dust of the earth and breathed the breath of life into him.  Yet it was your word that sustained him.  It was your word that allowed him to communicate and have a relationship with you.  You brought the animals before him to see what he would name them.  You gave him the power of words to name his surroundings.  You gave him the power of words to bring order out of chaos in this world in which you placed him.  You made him in your image.  Words have much power in our world.  They can bring comfort and blessing or serve as a curse to those who hear them.  Yet your word is only good.  It produces only good things.  Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from your mouth.  You sustain us by your word.  We know you by your word.  Your word has the power to reach into the depths of our hearts and reveal the intents of our hearts.  Your word produced new creations in us who believe.  By the power of your word, we who were dead in our sins are dead no longer.  We live new life in Jesus Christ – by the power of your word.  Father, speak to my heart this day, that I may hear you and know you better.  Fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can speak words of life to all whom my life touches today.  This is my prayer.  Amen.

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