The Good Father

Father, you are greater than anyone or anything in all the universe. For you created all that is, all that was, and all that is to come. There is no one like you. From everlasting to everlasting, you are God. Your goodness is better, far better, than anything I could ever imagine. I can only see a small bit of what you are doing, yet what I see is amazing. I confess there is much that I see that I do not understand, nor is it meant for me to understand. For you are above all, in all, and through all. You are eternal in both time and space and beyond. Thus, I cannot grasp the entirety of your goodness. I can only see glimpses, just as Moses caught only a glimpse of your “backside” when you appeared before him. Yet there is so much more. You exude goodness in all that you do – and you do a lot! I am aware of the good you have done for me in my life – at least some of it. I am sure that there is much more that I do not see. For you look out for our best, even when we are at our worst. You provide when there is need. You give grace and mercy to the humble. You draw all of us to yourself with your goodness. Only those who resist your goodness, not acknowledging that it exists and comes from you, cannot draw near to you. And when we draw near to you, we see even more goodness than we ever saw before. Faith, believing you, comes before freedom. We must first believe you, then we will see freedom from the chains of darkness that bind us. Once we believe, you open our eyes, and we see your goodness and wonder at it. We also wonder that we never saw it before. It is so plain to see. It as if we trudge along in this world, unaware of what is all around us. Then, one day, we believe your word, and it is as if scales fall from our eyes, and we see the world as it is meant to be seen. And as we continue to believe you, we see more and more of your goodness. Goodness so vast, it is without end. This is the nature of the One in whom we believe. This is who you are. You cannot be anything else because you just are. You are the great I AM. We bow in humble adoration before you. We worship you because of who you are. We are thankful for your goodness that leads us to repentance. We are thankful for your goodness that provides for us. We are thankful for the day when we will one day see you face to face and experience your goodness in all its fulness. Amen.

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