They Say Some Clouds Are Silver Lined

John Francis Wallace III

John Francis Wallace III loves God. Yet although many believers talk about how much they love the Lord, John has discovered that the more time he spends with God, the more he realizes that God loves him more than he loves Him. One way that God has shown his great love for John is through his journey into poetry.

In a collection of inspirational poems inspired by John’s experiences and relationships firmly rooted in the teachings of the Bible, he reflects on sorrows and joys of everyday circumstances while reminding others that God dearly loves each of us, no matter our faults or sins. Within poems shared in three parts, John offers his favorite verse that explores faith, prayer, and hope in a multitude of ways, reveals a candid glimpse into his struggles to understand all the challenges that God has placed in his path, and the good fight he continues as he pursues his divine purpose to inspire other believers.